Browse Anniversaries

This dataset contains important dates in UNB history, taken from a variety of sources. Searching can be done in 5-year increments or can be done for a certain date.

165th Anniversary for the following event(s) in 2025:

First Senate Meeting of the University of New Brunswick
  • Date: 1860-08-09
  • Subject(s): Miscellaneous
  • Source: Senate Minutes UNB 1860-1904, 1-3
  • Note: President Joseph R. Hea appointed by Legislature; Profs. are Jacob, Robb, Jack, and d'Avray
Hea, Joseph R., D.C. L.
  • Date: 1860-07-25
  • Subject(s): Presidents
  • Source: Royal Gazette No. 1006 (25 Jul 1860), 9093. Steeves Scrapbooks Misc 1785-, 51.
  • Note: First President of U.N.B.

145th Anniversary for the following event(s) in 2025:

Regulations Respecting the Holding of Examinations for Women
  • Date: 1880-03-31
  • Subject(s): Female Students
  • Source: Senate Minutes UNB 1860-1904, 255
  • Note: 20 Mar 1878: Senate forms a committee consisting of "the President, Dr. Rand and the Faculty... to devise a scheme for the examinaiton of women in the higher branches of education" (SM 239). 30 Mar 1880: Draft "Regulations for the examination of women in the University course" presented to Senate" (SM 253).

140th Anniversary for the following event(s) in 2025:

Harrison, Thomas
  • Date: 1885-08-14
  • Subject(s): Presidents
  • Source: Senate Minutes UNB 1860-1904, 340
  • Note: Upon the resignation of Dr. William Brydone-Jack, Thomas Harrison, LLD, is appointed President. 5 Sep 1906: Thomas Harrison resigns from both the Presidency ("Chancellorship") and the "Professorship of Mathematics... [t]he case being one of nervous prostration" (SM 1904-1927, 94).
Victoria, Queen: copy of More Leaves from the Journal of a Life in the Highlands from
1862 to 1882.
  • Date: 1885-03-09
  • Subject(s): Endowments/Gifts
  • Source: Senate Minutes UNB 1860-1904, 323
  • Note: The book bears "her Majesty's Signature, and [states] that it is the Queen's desire that this book may be placed in the University Library at Fredericton as an evidence of Her Majesty's interest in that Institution, and of her belief that the record will not fail to be appreciated by Her Subjects in this Dominion" (323).

130th Anniversary for the following event(s) in 2025:

Students' Committee (Student Union)
  • Date: 1895-01-01
  • Subject(s): Students
  • Source: University Monthly XIV.2 (Nov 1894): 45.
  • Note: The editors of the University Monthly call for a committee, which would consist of 4 seniors, 3 juniors, 2 sophomores, and 1 freshman, to meet with faculty on a regular basis to "confer with the faculty in all matters of college discipline" (UM XIV.2 (1984): 45. Jan 1895: "Democratic Government" begins at UNB, "as a permanent committee of students to meet with the Faculty regularly once a month for the discussion of matters in which the students in general are cheifly concerned. When important buisness or any trouble arises a special meeting is to be called." The UM makes reference to the fact any final decision will rest with the Faculty, but that the hierarchy of power (student committee to Faculty) is similar of the Faculty to Senate (UM X1V.4 (Jan 1895): 99-100).

125th Anniversary for the following event(s) in 2025:

Engineering Building
  • Date: 1900-04-10
  • Subject(s): Buildings
  • Source: Senate Minutes UNB 1860-1904, 661.
  • Note: The Senate Minutes do not reflect an exact date on the completion and opening of this building; however, the following dates are of some significance: 1 June 1899: Committee appointed to approach the Alumni Society to help raise funds toward the construction of the Engineering building. When $10,000 is raised " the Senate would then sanction the erection of the Engineering Building and undertake its construction" (SM 1860-1904, 633). 10 Apr 1900: Plans submitted (SM 659) and approved (SM 661). Dr. George E. Coulthard, long-time UNB professor and alumnus, contributes a "handsome donation" to the building fund (SM 661). 17 Nov 1908: Senate appoints a committee to look at alterations to the Engineering Building. 19 Feb 1946: Extension to building to be completed before January 1947. Committee to proceed with plans and call for tenders (SM6 40). 15 May 1946: Tenders for the Extension received and building will commence (SM6 49). 8 Oct 1946: Construction started, contract awarded to Diamond construction for $79,500, and the addition will be ready for use in the second (Winter) term (SM6 53).
Master of Engineering
  • Date: 1900-04-10
  • Subject(s): Graduate Degrees
  • Source: Senate Minutes UNB 1860-1904, 659
  • Note: Bachelors of Engineering may proceed to the Degree of M.Eng. after "producing evidence that they have been engaged in the practice of the profession of engineering for at least two years" (requirements also inclued a thesis and exams). (SM 1860-1904, 659)
Residence: Dean of Residence appointed
  • Date: 1900-05-28
  • Subject(s): Departments
  • Source: Senate Minutes UNB 1860-1904, 66.
  • Note: Dr. Scott appointed (669).

120th Anniversary for the following event(s) in 2025:

Books in Civil Law donated to Library.
  • Date: 1905-12-06
  • Subject(s): Endowments/Gifts
  • Source: Senate Minutes UNB 1904-1927, 68.
  • Note: "[T]hat the thanks of the Senate of the University be tendered to His honor Mr. Justice Barker, Hon William Pugsley, Attorney General, and George W. Allen, Esq M.P.P. Examiners for Degrees in Civil Law for their valuable donation to the University Library" (68).
Winslow, Matilda M., first black woman graduates.
  • Date: 1905-05-31
  • Subject(s): Female Students
  • Source: Senate Minutes UNB 1904-1927, 46.
  • Note: Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours in Classics.