University Monthly XIV.2 (Nov 1894): 45.
The editors of the University Monthly call for a committee, which would consist of 4
seniors, 3 juniors, 2 sophomores, and 1 freshman, to meet with faculty on a regular basis to
"confer with the faculty in all matters of college discipline" (UM XIV.2 (1984): 45.
Jan 1895: "Democratic Government" begins at UNB, "as a permanent committee of students to
meet with the Faculty regularly once a month for the discussion of matters in which the students
in general are cheifly concerned. When important buisness or any trouble arises a special
meeting is to be called." The UM makes reference to the fact any final decision will rest with the
Faculty, but that the hierarchy of power (student committee to Faculty) is similar of the Faculty
to Senate (UM X1V.4 (Jan 1895): 99-100).