Science Building - Chemistry/Physics

Senate Minutes UNB 1927-1943
20 Feb 1940: Committee appointed to meet with Natural Science professors about lack of space in Memorial Building, report that a new building is needed, and that said building should contain "at least twenty-two lecture rooms and laboratories [and] were urgently required to house the Departments of Chemistry and Physics" (SM5 186-187). 15 May 1940: Committee asked to "consider methods of using the old Gymnasium and to make recommendations thereon to Senate" (SM5 195). 14 Oct 1941: Committee for new science building is discontinued (SM5 232). 19 Feb 1945: Architect Alward & Gillies proposes a rough plan of new building, which will cost approximately $155,000 for Chemistry Department; equipment would be extra, and Physics Extension to be considered later (SM6 23). 15 May 1946: Rising building costs put the new Science building on hold again; the committee will look for temporary quarters for the Chemistry department. Senate votes to erect "a temporary building for the Chemistry Department" (SM6 49).