Hipwell, the Family of John (Jack) B. - oak reading stand

Senate Minutes UNB 1904-1927, 570
Family donates reading desk for Memorial Hall in memory of John B. Hipwell, B.Sc. (Forestry 1915), who was " killed in action in the Great-War" (570). Served in the 23rd Battery, C.F.A., 1914; 8th Battery, C.F.A., France, 1915; Lieutenant, April, 1916; Posted to 5th Battery, C.F.A. Killed in Action at Sanctuary Wood, June 17th, 1916 (The Register. Fredericton: Associated Alumni of UNB, 1924. 101). 20 Feb 1925: -- brass plate on "reading stand" reads, "In Memory Lieut. Jack Basil Hipwell '15 Born 27th November 1893, Woodstock, N.B. Killed in Action 17th June 1916, Sanctuary Wood Presented by Parents, Sisters and Brother." The article concludes that it is to be hoped that others install "personal memorials, to the memory of others of the herioc thirty-four from U.N.B. who went to France and did not come back" (Alumni Bulletin 3.1, 4).