Browse Index to Biographies
This is a dataset that points to the location of information about a UNB-related person found in various articles and clippings files maintained at Archives & Special Collections, UNB Libraries. Please contact if you would like to access these resources.
- Campbell-Mongtomery, Henry
- Location: Prominent People of New Brunswick, (FC2455.M24), p.xliii
- Canam, Marion E.
- Location: Reflections, v.10, no.3, p.26
- Cann, Marilyn
- Location: Alumni Clippings - Large
- Cannell, Brenda R.
- Location: Reflections v.26, no.1 (Fall 2009): 21-24
Reflections v.26, no.3 (Spring 2009): 28
- Location: Reflections v.26, no.1 (Fall 2009): 21-24
- Canney, Marie E.
- Location: SEE: Morehouse, Marie E.
- Cannon, Mary
- Location: A Case 39 SEE: NB Women's Directorate
- Cantin, Laurie Frances
- Location: Alumni Clippings - Large
- Cantini, Joseph E.
- Location: Alumni Clippings - Large
- Capelan, Guillaume
- Location: Revue d'histoire de la Société historique Nicolas Denys, v.27, no.2, 1999, p.15-16
- Capson, Bruce A.
- Location: Alumni Clippings - Large
- Capson, Daryl R.
- Location: Alumni Clippings - Small
- Capson, David Warren
- Location: Alumni Clippings - Large
- Capson, Louis
- Location: Alumni Clippings - Small
- Capson, W. Allison
- Location: Alumni Clippings - Large
- Caraquet
- Location: Revue d'histoire de la Société historiquèe Nicolas Denys v. XXXVIII, 1 (jan-avr 2009) - Première partie, 1686-1913
Revue d'histoire de la Société historique Nicolas Denys v. XXXVII, 2 (mai-aout 2009) Deuxième parti, 1918-1945
- issue numbering not consistent - Illustration Notes: *
- Location: Revue d'histoire de la Société historiquèe Nicolas Denys v. XXXVIII, 1 (jan-avr 2009) - Première partie, 1686-1913
- Carbert, A. Beatrice Marion
- Location: Reflections, v.17, no.3, p.42
- Card, Andrea Dawn
- Location: Alumni Clippings - Large
- Careless, J. M. S.
- Location: UNB Honorary Degree Recipients - Biographies, UA Case 73m
- Illustration Notes: * Includes photo/illus
- Carette, Jean Paul
- Location: Prominent People of New Brunswick, (FC2455.M24), p.89
- Carew, Bruce Eldridge
- Location: Dictionary of Miramichi Biography (FC2495.M5 H36 1997), p.59