Wilmot, L. A. Memorial Scholarship

Senate Minutes UNB 1860-1904, 309
Mrs. L. A. Wilmot places $300 in the University funds for a $100 scholarship (per year) " to assist in obtaining a University Education... in memory of one who for many years was an energetic and valuable member of the Senate, and who ever manifested the warmest interest in the cause of education, and more particularly in the advancement and welfare of the University" (309). 21 Mar 1885: E. H. Wilmot donates $1,700 to invest "and the accruing interest applied to the payment of the Scholarship in perpetuity" (SM 329). 15 May 1935: Senate recommends that the Wilmot Scholarship be awarded to " the student of Grade XII making the highest standing in the subjects under the control of the University Examiners and entering the University for completion of his studies" (SM5 112).