Tibbits and Caie - first female graduates (could this be Chase?)

Senate Minutes UNB 1860-1904, 397
Mary Kingsley Tibbits (Second Division with 608 points) and Florence A. Caie (Second Division with 502 points). 14 May 1914: Alumni Association requests and Senate agrees to confer the honorary degree of Master of Arts on Mary Tibbetts, stating that "Miss Tibbits was the first lady to graduate from U.N.B. and has been engaged in educational work for twenty-five years" (SM 1904-27, 304). 11 Oct 1938: Alumni Association requests that, in honour of the 50th anniversary of the first woman graduate from UNB, that Mary Kingsley Tibbits be conferred an honorary degree. Decision deferred. (SM5 164) 21 Feb 1939: Senate agrees to confer DLL on Mary Tibbets (SM5 167). Dec 1951: Alumni News reports that Dr. Tibbits died. When recounting how she became one of the first female students at UNB, the article states that she was refused entry at first; however, she found a clause in the calendar, which stated that " any person with the required academic qualifications could register... She insisted that women were persons, won her case, and was admitted. When she graduated Mary Tibbits won the first Stanly Gold Medal for scholastic accomplishment" (AN 6.2 (Dec 1951): 7).
Female Students