Physical and Military Drills

Senate Minutes UNB 1904-1927, 192
Senate approves "Physical and voluntary military training... under such conditions as may be agreed upon by the Chancellor [President] of the University and the Military Authorities" (192). 2 Jun 1910: Military Authorities, University and students make arrangements to start training (SM 198). 17 June 1911: Deputy Minister of Militia and Defense communicates re: Military Drill at UNB (SM 230). 16 Nov 1912: Preliminary report on Officers Training Corps received (SM 248), and Military arms in university possession to be returned to Military Department of Canada (SM 250). 23 Nov 1915: Students request and receive a 7% bonus on exam papers for every student who passes the Military examinations successfully. At this time, "Military Drill" is an actual course in the University (SM334). 23 Nov 1915: the Military Department (Canada) loans rifles to the University for Military Drill, Dr. MacDonald responsible for course (SM 338). 17 May 1917: Military training course extended over two years, mandatory for "all male Candidates for the regular degrees of B.A. and B.Sc. in course... not to excee four hours per week of actual lectures and drill" (SM 1904-27, 372).
University Classes