President's Reports 1914-1915, 141
Following a General Order from the Militia Department, the University applies for the
formation of an officers' training corp. At the time of the President's Report, Chancellor Jones
reports that 55 students and 2 professors are enrolled and under the direction of Professor
MacDonald (PR (1915): 141).
December 1917: Following the lead of other Canadian universities, UNB makes military drill
compulsory, requiring that students fulfil 2 years of training before obtaining their degrees.
Instruction is to be by Professor Cameron (Professor MacDonald on military leave).
11 Oct 1941: Male students who are British citizens and physically fit must take COTC training
-- 2 hours every day, and 2 weeks at the end of the university year. Male and Female students in
Engineering and Science are being recruited by the armed forces and industry, with female
undergraduates also participating in physical training and first aid work. The COTC's
headquarters are in the Beaverbrook Gymnasium (PR 1941 4-6).