
Alumni Bulletin 9.1(30 June 1931), 2. Senate Minutes UNB 1860-1904 Senate Minutes UNB 1927-1943
The Library Building was formally dedicated on May 12, 1931, at a gathering in the main reading room of the [new] Library. This is the first public purpose to which the Library has been put since its erection, although it has been used by the University for some months past" (AB 2) Present were: Dean of F'ton, Very Rev. Scovil Neales, ; UNB President Dr. C.C. Jones; His Honour the Lieutenant Governor, Major General H.H. McLean; Minister of Lands and Mines, Hon. C.D. Richards; Minister of Public Works, Hon. D.A. Stewart; Premier of N.B., Hon. J.B.M. Baxter (AB 2). 27 Mar 1866: Professor L. Bailley proposes "the erection of a building to contain the Library and Museum" (SM 113-114). 21 Jul 1874: Senate appoints a committee to report "on the steps to be taken to provide the necessary buildings for the Library and Museum and Classical Lecture Rooms, or for the accommodation of students" (SM 209). 2 Mar 1875: Reading of Draft Bill to sell Collegiate Building and "the erection of a building for Museum and other University purposes" (SM 211). 2 Oct 1875: Tenders received for the building but found to be too expensive; project dropped (SM 217). 16 May 1928: Minister of Lands and Mines tells Senate of "Provincial building, to be erected for the University on the University land, including equipment for a Geological Department and a Library, for which a vote of $200,000. 00 had been passed by the Legislature" (SM5 16). 26 Nov 1929: Chancellor Jones again asks (1st request at 15 May 1929 Senate meeting) Senate to hire a permanent Librarian. Chancellor "authorized to make enquiries" (SM5 28). 14 May 1930: Librarian's salary to be $1,200. Miss Mabel Sterling voted Librarian, to start 1 September 1930 "conditional on her taking a Librarian's course during the summer" (SM5 39). 25 Nov 1930: 1. Committee formed to prepare formal opening ceremonies at next Encaenia (SM5 45). 2. Five or six students to be employed over Christmas to assist in moving to new building (SM5 47). 3. Senate allots up to $100 per year for the "purchase of first editions of New Brunswick authors" (SM 548).