Jones, Cecil C.

Senate Minutes UNB 1904-1927, 98.
According to the Senate Minutes, Dr. Jones is appointed to the Chair of Mathematics after the resignation of Dr. Thomas Harrison. At the December Annual Meeting of the Senate, Dr. Jones is mentioned as "Chancellor Jones" (98). However, the Senate Minutes from the 5 September 1906 resignation of Dr. Harrison do not refer to a selection process or an election. 20 Feb 1940: Dr. Jones resigns formally as professor of Mathematics and as President to take effect on 31 Aug 1940. Senate offers its appreciation of his thirty four years' service. Mr. Justice C.D. Richards expresses appreciation for Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Senate Minutes state that Mrs. Jones "had been a wonderful help to the President and to his work. It might be possible, he stated, to obtain as good a man as President, but not as good a woman for the President's wife" (SM5 190). 14 Aug 1943: Senate expresses regret to "Dr. Margaret Baird Jones, his widow, and to the members of [Dr. C.C. Jones's] family the members of the Sentate extend their deepest sympathy with the assurance that his work and his influence will never fade form the memory of those with whome he had been so intimately associated during his years at the University" (SM5 290).