Fisher, Charles Memorial Fund

Senate Minutes UNB 1904-1927, 74-78.
Donations of land, etc., in Fredericton by Miss Frances Amelia Fisher and her sister, J.M.P Fraser, daughters of the late Mr. Justice Fisher (74-75). 30 Nov 1909: Senate decides that fund to be "set apart as a Special building fund for the University" (SM 1904-27, 192). The Alumni Bulletin (20 Jun 1925) states that the gift, when converted into cash, "yielded the not inconsiderable sum of over $18,000," which, over the ensuing years, was directed towards new laboratories, and the remainder of which "was applied to the cost of the Memorial Building" (5). 20 May 1925: Tablet honouring Mr. Justice Fisher purchased and placed on the wall Memorial Hall (SM 1904-27, 505).