King's College Council 1829 -, 11-13.
The Brunswickan (21 Feb 1946)
Built on the "pasture lot" number 20, "(156) in the rear of the Town Plat of Fredericton...
containing 35 acres" (158) owned by W. Best.
15 Mar 1825: Call for contractor in Royal Gazette describes a "Building to be of the rough Stone
of the country, with Hewn Coins for the Corners, Windows and Doors' Slated Roof, to project
over the Wall --- and not to be more than two Stories in heighth [sic] besides the basement story"
(RG XII.3, 3).
19 Sep 1826: Account of laying the College Building cornerstone, inside of which were " a bottle
containing some Coins of the present Reign, with a Newspaper and an Almanack... and covered
with a Brass Plate" (RG 122-123).
14 Mar 1872: Senate orders Dr. Jack, President "to make arrangements for the introduction of
water by iron pipes into the basement flat of the University building" (SM, 184).
6 Oct 1875: Inquiries to be made concerning raising of the roof of the Arts Building (SM 217)
1 Jun 1911: Senate donates $25.00 to City of F'ton Fire Department, thanking them for assistance
during fire in the Annex in January (SM4, 191).
13 Jan 1928: Associated Alumni "to erect a tablet to commemorate the graduation of the first
[three] alumni of the College of New Brunswick" to take place at the next Encaenial Exercises
(SM5 8).
13 May 1931: Property Committee authorised to spend $5,000 to remodel the "third storey to
include the Elementary Biological Laboratory, Lecture Room for new department of Philosophy
and Education and additional Museum space" (SM5, 52-53).
16 May 1934: Senate recommends and approves the installation of a "modern heating plant" at a
cost of $9,600. Approximately $4,000 of improvements include installing a wood-burning
boiler, which would replace a coal burning boiler, and improving and enlarging the circulation
system. Part of the work is to be done during the summer of 1934.
19 Feb 1935: Senate approves approximately $5,000 be spent on balance of improvements to
heating system, to be completed in the summer of 1935.